Conway Lonely Panlet in Argentina day 5

The following message from Conway in Argentina:

on 2009-03-18, early morning get up and get into a bus to Alquiler Bike shop. One hour bus trip to a bike shop amd rent a Mt bike for 20Kms ride, a fat ride and took some photos a Hotel Liao Liao and Lke Lago Mpreno Oeese , it i worth to ride along to see the view aroud. !2 45 hrs back and took a bis back to Barilpche Tangoo Hostel to collect the gear then dashed to the Cocah terminal for a coah to ELBOLSN to stay in a remote hostel -EL PUEBLITO that was mentioned in the book Lonely panlet. Walked 1 hourwith my 30Kg rucsack in 4 Kms road. I think I get it worn becuase it is too remote and found it was my lovely hostel. I shall cleimb Cero Lindo 2105 M and spend one night there then return same hostel. See you tomorrow I am in a lonely panlet.
